Processing of personal data

The personal data controller is the Tereza Maxová Foundation for Children, ID No.: 285 14 319, with a registered office in Prague 1 – Staré Město, Jáchymova 26/2, Postal Code 110 00, acting as the Host of the Event. The controller collects personal data from participants for the purpose of the charity virtual Event „Get Moving with TERIBEAR or Fun Movement with the Bear“ (referred to as the „Event“), to the extent necessary for its proper organization and conduct.

The controller processes personal data about the participants, including their names, surnames, email addresses, information about their country and city of origin, team names, preferences of the story supported by their running or walking, genders, years of birth, payment data, unique IDs (known as GUIDs), and the number of kilometers covered.In the case of children under the age of 13, the administrator processes the name, surname and e-mail of the child participant’s legal representative.

Participants provide this personal information voluntarily if they are interested in participating in the Event. The unique ID and mileage information are transmitted from the viRACE application after participants authorize the linkage of their viRACE registration with the online results list maintained by the Host, via the link provided. This step must always be taken by the participant, whether they use only the viRACE app or one of the sports apps during the Event (as per the registration term and conditions) subsequently linked to the viRACE app.Provision of this data is necessary for participant registration and Event participation. If a participant declines to provide any of the aforementioned personal data, registration becomes not feasible. If they terminate the authorization of the user account link in the sports apps (as specified in the registration terms and conditions) with the online leaderboard or cancels their account with viRACE, their results can no longer be recorded for the purposes of the Event.

The legal basis for this processing is the performance of the contract (registration for the Event and recording of kilometers covered) and compliance with legal obligations to which the controller is subject (processing of payment data).

The Host processes this personal data using automated means in electronic form. The Host may continue to use the personal data, including names, surnames, years of birth, city/country information, supported stories, team names, and the number of kilometers covered, within the online results list. This information may be published on the website or through other suitable methods related to Event promotion. The data referred to in this section can be accessed on the website after participants‘ names have been entered and after the Event has concluded. However, participants can request the Host to remove their data at any time.

The Host may also process participants‘ email addresses to send information and commercial communications related to Event organization, or in connection with other Events held by the Host after the Event, as well as marketing or other communications related to the charitable activities of the Host, if the participant did not refuse the use during the registration. This processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Host in its direct marketing and in accordance with relevant provisions of Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on certain information society services, as amended. Participants can opt out of receiving commercial communications at any time by using the link provided in the commercial communication or contacting the Host.

The above-mentioned processing involves the cooperation of various processors, including the company CZECH-IN s.r.o., ID No.: 485 82 387, with a registered office at 5. května 1640/65, Prague 4, Postal Code 140 00; the company Gappex s.r.o., ID No.: 068 35 732, with a registered office at Na Cimbále 104/2, Prague 4, Postal Code 143 00; and the company NET Production s.r.o., ID No.: 033 73 045, with a registered office at Za farou 816/67, Prague 5, Postal Code 154 00. All of these processors provide the necessary technical and organizational support for the Event’s proper conduct, and the disclosure of personal data is governed by contracts meeting GDPR requirements.

Additionally, the Host collaborates with Quevita AG, with a registered office at Industriestr. 78, CH-4600 Olten, Switzerland, the operator of the viRACE applicationthrough which the completed kilometres will be recorded during the Event and, upon authorisation by the participant, transferred to the online results list of the Host. Quevita AG acts as an independent controller, and more information about its processing of viRACE users‘ personal data can be found at: If the participant uses any of the sports apps (as listed in the registration terms and conditions), the providers process of these applications as separate controllers according to their own processing terms and under their own responsibility. This processing and any interaction between these sports apps and viRACE in the context of the authorization are conducted entirely between these entities as independent controllers and neither the Host nor the Organizer is responsible for them in any way.

Participants can request information about the processing of their personal data from the Host at any time, and the Host is obligated to provide this information. The processor may also fulfill this obligation on behalf of the Host.

If a participant believes that their personal data is being processed unlawfully or in violation of their privacy or personal life protection, especially if their personal data is inaccurately processed, they may request an explanation or rectification from the Host or processor. This may involve rectification, processing restriction, or erasure of personal data. If the participant’s request is justified, the Host or processor will promptly rectify the situation. The Host must also inform recipients to whom the participant’s personal data has been provided of such a request from the participant. This does not apply where informing the beneficiary is impossible or would require disproportionate effort. There are certain conditions under which the participant can claim the right to data portability and the right to complain to the Data Protection Authority. Where a participant has given consent to processing, they have done so voluntarily and have the right to withdraw or restrict that consent at any time. In specific circumstances, the participant can object to the processing of their personal data, particularly if the processing is based on legitimate interest.

Visual and audio recordings and images of participants captured during the Event, including the closing ceremony in the Stromovka Park which the participant has agreed to  or which the participant has sent to the Host or Event Organizer, may be used by the Host for promotional purposes or to promote its partners, without participants having any claim for remuneration. The participant may withdraw his/her consent to the use of the image or sound recording at any time, but if he/she does so without reasonable cause, he/she shall be liable to compensate the controller for any damage caused to him/her by such withdrawal. Through his or her participation in the closing of the Event at the Prague Exhibition Grounds on 23 September 2023, the participant acknowledges that during this closing Event, video and audio recordings and images of the participants may be captured and subsequently used for the purpose of informing about the Event and promoting the Host or partners of the Event.

Sharing personal data, including images, on social networking sites is subject to the data processing policies of the operating companies, and the Host bears no liability for this.

A participant’s personal data will be processed only as long as necessary to fulfill the processing purpose. After the purpose is fulfilled, personal data will be securely deleted. After the Event, the data synchronization of all participants‘ accounts in the viRACE application will be terminated. Data will be removed from the online scoreboard one year after the Event unless participants request its removal earlier. However, in such cases, only the participant’s identification can be removed, not the number of kilometers covered, to preserve the integrity of Event results.

When processing is based on participant consent, the relevant personal data will be processed for the duration of the consent, unless the participant withdraws or restricts consent before its expiration. In such cases, the Host will cease using the personal data as applicable for the relevant purposes.

If participants have any questions about the Event or wish to exercise their rights mentioned above, they can contact CZECH-IN, s.r.o., via email at The Host can be reached by email at or by phone at +420 725 663 014.


Bird & Bird & We Run With You

The Tereza Maxová Foundation for Children would like to thank Bird & Bird legal company for the complete legal service for the TERIBEAR project as well as the supervision of the „Terms and Conditions of Registration“ and „Processing of Personal Data“.

To whom is the personal data transferred?

The above-mentioned processing involves the cooperation of various processors, including the company

  • CZECH-IN s.r.o., ID No.: 485 82 387, with a registered office at 5. května 1640/65, Prague 4, Postal Code 140 00;
  • the company Gappex s.r.o., ID No.: 068 35 732, with a registered office at Na Cimbále 104/2, Prague 4, Postal Code 143 00;
  • and the company NET Production s.r.o., ID No.: 033 73 045, with a registered office at Za farou 816/67, Prague 5, Postal Code 154 00.

All of these processors provide the necessary technical and organizational support for the Event’s proper conduct, and the disclosure of personal data is governed by contracts meeting GDPR requirements.

Additionally, the Host collaborates with Quevita AG, with a registered office at Industriestr. 78, CH-4600 Olten, Switzerland, the operator of the viRACE applicationthrough which the completed kilometres will be recorded during the Event and, upon authorisation by the participant, transferred to the online results list of the Host. Quevita AG acts as an independent controller, and more information about its processing of viRACE users’ personal data can be found at:

If the participant uses any of the sports apps (as listed in the registration terms and conditions), the providers process of these applications as separate controllers according to their own processing terms and under their own responsibility. This processing and any interaction between these sports apps and viRACE in the context of the authorization are conducted entirely between these entities as independent controllers and neither the Host nor the Organizer is responsible for them in any way.

What rights does a participant have?

If a participant believes that their personal data is being processed unlawfully or in violation of their privacy or personal life protection, especially if their personal data is inaccurately processed, they may request an explanation or rectification from the Host or processor.

This may involve rectification, processing restriction, or erasure of personal data. If the participant’s request is justified, the Host or processor will promptly rectify the situation. The Host must also inform recipients to whom the participant’s personal data has been provided of such a request from the participant. This does not apply where informing the beneficiary is impossible or would require disproportionate effort. There are certain conditions under which the participant can claim the right to data portability and the right to complain to the Data Protection Authority. Where a participant has given consent to processing, they have done so voluntarily and have the right to withdraw or restrict that consent at any time.

In specific circumstances, the participant can object to the processing of their personal data, particularly if the processing is based on legitimate interest.

How long is personal data processed?

A participant’s personal data will be processed only as long as necessary to fulfill the processing purpose. After the purpose is fulfilled, personal data will be securely deleted. After the Event, the data synchronization of all participants’ accounts in the viRACE application will be terminated. Data will be removed from the online scoreboard one year after the Event unless participants request its removal earlier. However, in such cases, only the participant’s identification can be removed, not the number of kilometers covered, to preserve the integrity of Event results.

When processing is based on participant consent, the relevant personal data will be processed for the duration of the consent, unless the participant withdraws or restricts consent before its expiration. In such cases, the Host will cease using the personal data as applicable for the relevant purposes.

Contact details of the controller

If participants have any questions about the Event or wish to exercise their rights mentioned above, they can contact CZECH-IN, s.r.o., via email at The Host can be reached by email at or by phone at +420 725 663 014.

Updated: 18 August 2023