I want to help families in need

I want to help families in need

… Because a life crisis doesn’t have to mean the breakup of a family. If parents take good care of their children, it is unacceptable for a family to be separated for social reasons. After many years of suffering in her relationship with her abuser,...
I want to support foster care and adoption

I want to support foster care and adoption

… because every child deserves love and needs to grow up in a safe, loving family environment. And if the biological family already fails, it’s great that there are people with big hearts who provide a foster home for abandoned children. As a baby, Martina...
I want to help abused children find a way out of hell

I want to help abused children find a way out of hell

…because unfortunately, some children experience more than they can bear. Speaking up is not easy, but a child must know where to turn and where to find help. Psychologists and therapists work with children who have been abused, sexually abused, neglected and at...
I want to help pregnant mothers at risk

I want to help pregnant mothers at risk

…because no one can replace mom! Sometimes a woman gets pregnant in a difficult situation, something bad happened along the way, and she can’t handle it. With the right help at the right time, however, she can become a loving and caring mother regardless...
Chci pomoci mladým lidem stát na vlastních nohách

Chci pomoci mladým lidem stát na vlastních nohách

… protože každý si zaslouží pomoc, aby mohl uplatnit svůj potenciál. Mladí lidé v ústavní péči netrpí materiální nouzí, chybí jim však láska a podpora rodiny a možnost získat praktické zkušenosti. My jim pomáháme k úspěšnějšímu startu do samostatného života. Příběh...